Behind The Scenes Of The 2024 SBSSHOPRI Event

For eight incredible years, the SBSSHOPRI one-day pop-up shopping mall event has dazzled shoppers and vendors alike, becoming a must-attend tradition for the holiday season. This year’s event was a spectacular success, with over 150 vendors transforming the Crowne...

Thank You To Our 2023 Media Supporters

The 7th Annual Small Business Saturday SHOP RI event received some great media coverage in the week leading up to the event. iHeartRadio iHeartRadio lent its support interviewing Sue Babin and featuring it across all of it’s properties. You can enjoy listening to the...

2020 Event Update | We’re Going Virtual

Because of COVID-19 we cannot hold our regular event for “Small Business Saturday SHOP RI” at the Crowne Plaza on November 30, 2020.  Anticipating the return of large crowds of shoppers and aware of the Governor’s requirements for social distancing, the SBS Team has...

SBS Shop RI Featured on ABC6

We were featured on ABC6. Jordan Mazza came down and did a great piece and spoke with some of our vendors about their experience throughout the day. ABC6 – Providence, RI and New Bedford, MA News,...

SBS Shop RI Featured on WPRI

We received some fantastic coverage from WPRI during this year’s event. The first video below showcases an interview with vendor Ashley Poirier, while the second is a more in-depth feature of the entire...
Vendor Spotlight | Travis Family Farm

Vendor Spotlight | Travis Family Farm

LET THE TRAVIS FAMILY GET YOUR GOAT – YOU’LL LOVE IT SOAPS, LOTIONS, AND MORE North Scituate, RI – “Do what you love and the money will follow” is the sage advice given to many business startups and even executives in career transition. What began as a grammar school...